Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Keeping Up!

The hardest thing ever  is to keep everyone in your circle happy. Its hard when you are being pulled from side to side. This one wants this and that one wants that. One ends up with nothing for themselves and nothing to give to themselves. Just wondering if ever that is possible, to keep everybody on one's life happy.

I am an inquisitive soul. Its the personality that I have. I like it much. I have a thirst for knowledge and to know is much better than walking in the dark. But knowledge not transmitted is futile knowledge. So empty yourself, empower those around you.

So, if you ever come across this blog post in the future. Hope you ask yourself the same question. Happy blogging!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Matters of Weight (Weighty Chews)

My friend, who has been a close friend of mine for a good couple of years recently accepted the Lord into her life. This was indeed a joyous moment for me, as I have been telling her about the relationship with Christ for years. We rejoiced together and as I always like to do, I gave her material to read so that she can grow in her faith. 

I observed that my friend is growing in her faith, which is always expected and should be appreciated. I rejoiced when I called her and she would go on for 30 mintues to share with me what she was learning. I was mostly glad as you can imagine that I spent a good 3 years convincing her about the joys of having a relationship with Christ. I thought to myself, finally she gets it. I was a proud friend. Glad to see all of this happening in front of my eyes. 

Tides started to turn as when I would share something with my friend about things that normally wouldn't be an issue she would start to question my faith. Don't get me wrong, I read and study my bible, I read theological works because I believe in being learned. I have sorrounded myself with women who pour into my life nuggets of life and I appreciate that always.  But now all of a sudden I can't talk to her about anything. I have to watch my words with her and I spend a bulk of the time listening to her talk. With hardly a word from me inbetween.

It then dawned on me. The stages in our Christian walk. She is at the excited stage. Nothing can go wrong. If you face an obstacle, you don't pray enough or you don't trust God enough. Or you are not letting the Holy Spirit flow in you. 

I laughed at this matter as I remembered my time at UWC, where I was exactly the same and I do want to go to the people I did this to to just apologise to them. 

So I'm going to tag a few people, as I  am learning that we offend people in our stages of our walk. If you do feel like some way or the other I offended you while growing up. My humble apologies and please do understand that I was child growing up and I am still learning. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

October Newsletter



In September there was a new intake of clients who are on the Rehabilitation Programme at De Novo. This meant that it was my second time doing the workshops.
We started with seven of the ladies already in mid-programme so they did only 3 lessons before they could leave for home.
The Managing Director of De Novo is requesting that Cross-Roads trains all their staff. This is because after 3 years of workshops at the centre, they have realised that the curriculum is very effective and successful.
De Novo is a Youth Centre for women and men. It specializes is drug rehabilitation. Cross-Roads (Campus Crusade for
Christ) has been conduction life skills and character build-ing workshops for the past 3 years.
In the Gauteng Province, CrossRoads held their first “Quest for Significance” Semi-nar. This seminar was attend-ed by 80 Headmasters and Businessmen. The following step for the Gauteng province is to have a “Teacher Train-ing.” This is going to be the first ever training in the Gaut-eng province, please pray for that to go well.
Since the “Teacher Training” that happened in Cape Town, two schools have requested CrossRoads that they want their whole schools to be

Praise God for the growth of CrossRoads.
Praise God for the interest that people have on this ministry strategy.
Please pray for exponential growth for CrossRoads.
Please pray for more fulltime staff at the Western Cape of-
fice of Campus Crusade for Christ.
Please pray for my MPD, to reach 100% status

(SA) 11480
(US) 2868173
A youth that has good character and love for one another is what we hope to have
 Let God be true and every man a liar
 We don’t preach ourselves, but we preach Christ
 Obedience is better than sacrifice
 Owe nobody anything but love


It's hard to be in a situation that is not desirable. I am thinking about the possibilities of such situations.

Currently I am in a situation where I want to get out of but its not easy as it looks. I am developing ministry partners and I need to have them as soon as possible. The thing is its not going as fast as I would like it to be.

I am emotionally drained. I am physically tired. I need to get out of this situation.

I only can trust in God, its hard to trust in self at the moment.

Monday, April 4, 2011


just jotting down my views on a misunderstanding and then a path to reconciliation. what most people find hard to say is sorry. such a difficult but necessary word to say, not just that but mean it. recently witnessed a situation where clearly there was a clash of people dynamic, a misunderstanding was inevitable. the biggest was talking about it, where the other party went around telling people what was done to them. even though i did not agree with the communication style i had to understand we have different backgrounds and we handle different issues differently.

saying sorry and showing remorse are two different things. i don't know who came up with the term; "actions speak louder than words." this is very true. it is a sticky situation as work must go on but trust has been lost and respect has been lost as well. trying to make building blocks in a manner such as this is hard.

my hope is that a path to reconciliation is a swift and smooth one. time is against the ones who toil. there is work to be done and this is a serious statement. one's thoughts and feelings have to be placed aside as there is not enough time to accommodate such.

grace and peace

2020, what a year!

 For a second I thought I was on set in a movie. There was a certain  sommberness to the feeling. Where am I? What's going on?  I saw pe...