step up, get yourself up to the top of the world. take every step methodically. make every effort to push yourself to be on top. enjoy every moment. smell every achievement with each step. celebrate your ability to move up on the ladder. there are people who are watching, hoping they were the ones going up that ladder. others are cheering you on while others are secretly hoping you would come crashing down. step up, go on, you deserve that break. do it while world watches.
when you get up there be careful. watch your step. you lose your grip at the first step the fall is mildly painful. you lose your grip midway the pain is somewhat bearable. you lose your grip at the top of the ladder you come crashing down. the fall shatters. everything flashes. the fall is unforeseen. the pain is everlasting. the memory, imprinted.
so is with the ladders of life. we achieve little no one takes notice. we are somewhat halfway there, the world around us takes notice. they see this beautiful gift that is beginning to unwrap right in front of their eyes. some cheer on, others wonder how long the show is going to go. others wait for the skeletons to come out of the closet. such as is the life we life. bottled up. judged upon.
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